Friday, October 14, 2016

Why I am voting and why I am voting Republican

We are experiencing a cantankerous political season.....with only a few weeks away from a major election-you might say-'why bother'- 'Neither candidate is appealing'- or- 'Does it matter anyway'

I grew up in a family that had fairly high engagement in local, state, and national happenings, so this included policy and politics. Listening to discussions and an occasional argument helped to form the opinions I have about this years election.

  • The role of government is to protect its citizens from foreign and domestic attacks. This is one thing I can't do!  
  • Some regulations are necessary, regulations should be limited, allowing farmers to farm and provide food, oil companies to produce energy products, teachers to teach, doctors to practice medicine without undue interference from the governement agencies.
  • Safety in our homes and towns is a way of life we've enjoyed in the mid- west. Certainly, one of the roles of government is to vet incoming visitors and new citicizens for infectious deseases, intent to harm, and ability to abide in our country-live by its rules, and speak its language.
So yes, I'll be going to the polls November 8th. The Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has come out in favor of;
  • A strong military
  • Less regulation and growth of energy independence
  • Support for police and law enforcement
It does matter- little kids should have the opportunity to grow up in a secure environment, feel safe in their homes, town, and community, and have the opportunity to own and run a business, attend college, and work at a job that provides a good living. 

The distractions we hear and read are a product of today's culture. If the person elected only focuses on these three things we maybe could actually enjoy greater freedom and safety.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1

October 1

Today is a beautiful fall day, the type of day we want to spend as much time outside as possible, so what do you suppose we were doing 10 years ago?
Laura- a student at Lisbon High
Elizabeth-  at UND working hard in nursing classes
Chelsey-at U of Mary
Kristin-teaching at White Pines Charter school in Idaho
Linda-graduate school-Concordia- so for sure I was sitting by the computer creating a masterpiece about something important in  the fall of 2006

How about 20 years ago?
Laura-perhaps playing school or Little House on the Prairie
Elizabeth-playing with Stacy, or working with geese, kittens, or creating something with whatever could be found around the farm.
Kristin-cross country
Yes, most likely we all would have been at a cross country meet in Valley, Cooperstown, or DetroitLakes

30 years ago is a stretch, but on a nice day like today;
Most likely we would have been combining a whopper of a bean crop, I would have been making lunches, Kristin would have been playing with neighbor kids, riding bike, or going for a walk and stroller ride with little Elizabeth. We might have driven to the farm and visited Grandma and Grandpa, had brownies for lunch, and walked around the farm, watching the trucks come and go with loads of beans. We lived in town so the ride to the country was a treat.

Whatever we would have been doing, I only remember we were happy and content, can't recall what the worries were at the time, but I am fairly sure there were some things that were a cause for concern.
HAPPY FALL, enjoy your day!