Saturday, January 12, 2013


No doubt today-it's January. 3 degrees out, and yesterdays rain turned to ice everywhere. Our front sidewalk is glazed with clear ice.

Friday, January 11, 2013

January or March......

Yesterday, January 10th our thermometer registered 42 degrees at one point. Before this we had a beautiful blanket of snow covering the ground, and covering the things that didn't get done in the fall-like the flower bed.......January thaw makes the world outside our windows look very much like early spring.

Cabin fever was about to set in, so last night we went to the Cornfield for burgers and fries, chicken strip basket, and carrot/hamburger soup and sandwich. Only one other table was occupied. Will bought bird feed, that of course was on sale....We enjoyed the change of pace from dining at home.

I am not sure what today will bring. Will called during his drive to Fargo for Jason's appointment to say the roads were glare ice. I'm glad for the dinner out last night as it might be awhile before the three of us venture out again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Competition........... Between Laura and Will, We had the computer, dictionary, and scrabble dictionary out. New Years Day-2013


Over the holidays 2012, we played scrabble, rook, cooked, and fished. A couple projects that we enjoyed over the past couple of weeks ..........
And the cooperative effort.......Laura spearheaded the completion of the 1000 piece puzzle

Where did the past few months go?

A recent text from Liz told me to update the blog.....Yes, the last entry was in August. So what happened during the next few months? I guess I started working fall semester, and spent hours preparing for the classroom, writing tests, and correcting.
Laura and I rode horse only a few times, and went for daily walks with Kia

Gramma turned 94 years old this fall, we had a dinner out at the Cornfield Cafe before the ice and snow came.

Winter came, along with frosty tree branches and a blanket of snow.

Thanksgiving 2012 ( I had to beg pictures from Laura)